Samsung Navi G810

6,7 / 10 based on 5 reviews
No longer available
Samsung Navi G810
3gsm 068
3gsm 061
3gsm 052
3gsm 062
3gsm 064
TeleVisie 2008 16
cebit2008 2056
cebit2008 2057
3gsm 051
3gsm 058
3gsm 055
3gsm 056
cebit2008 2055
3gsm 050
TeleVisie 2008 17
3gsm 054
3gsm 067
3gsm 059
3gsm 066
3gsm 069
3gsm 057
3gsm 060
3gsm 065
3gsm 070
3gsm 053
3gsm 063
3gsm 049

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    Samsung Navi G810 specification summary

    Dimensions 103 x 53 x 18 mm
    EAN code 8808987756956
    Colour display TFT
    Camera 5 MP
    Front camera
    Build-in memory
    Internal memory 130 MB (Storage)
    Power supply
    Battery User replaceable
    Data network
    4G (LTE)

    All Samsung Navi G810 specifications

    FAQs about the Samsung G810