T-Mobile SDA II

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No longer available
T-Mobile SDA II
1280x1024 buiten1
1280x1024 diversen1
1280x1024 1xzoom
1280x1024 buiten3
1280x1024 buiten2
1280x1024 diversen3
160x120 buiten
320x240 buiten
160x120 binnen
1280x1024 nacht1
1280x1024 binnen1
320x240 picturetheme 2
320x240 picturetheme 4
640x480 binnen
1280x1024 2xzoom
1280x1024 binnen2
320x240 picturetheme 3
320x240 picturetheme 6
1280x1024 5xzoom
1280x1024 nacht2
1280x1024 diversen2
1280x1024 3xzoom
320x240 picturetheme 1
320x240 binnen
1280x1024 4xzoom
1280x1024 binnen3
320x240 picturetheme 5
1280x1024 6xzoom
1280x1024 diversen4
640x480 buiten

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    T-Mobile SDA II specification summary

    Dimensions 108 x 47 x 18 mm
    Weight 107 gr
    Colour display TFT
    Camera 1.3 MP
    Front camera
    Build-in memory
    Internal memory 32 MB (Storage), 64 MB (Storage)
    Power supply
    Battery User replaceable
    Data network
    4G (LTE)
    Audio jack plug

    All T-Mobile SDA II specifications

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